I was mulling over a few topics to post about as I sat down at the computer. Looking over the recent comments, I'm going to expand on what Mark wrote.
In case you didn't see the comment he posted:
This probably isn't for public consumption (pun intended), but as long as I'm filling up your blog,here goes:
What with everybody in the world being sick (read: physically ill), I took it upon myself to compile a short list of euphemisms for it.
My favorite is "street spam".
street spam
1. A term to describe any disgusting looking thing on the ground that has an unknown or vague origin.
2. A euphamism for Vomit.
1. vomit
throw up
toss your cookies
lose your lunch
toss a sidewalk pizza
tango with the toilet
make modern art in the toilet
have a technicolor yawn
expunge the contents of your stomach
bare your guts to the world
become a multicolored organic fountain
revisit your breakfast
vomit your victuals
drive the porcelain bus
perform peristaltic pyrotechnics
paint the town red.. and green and orange and pink
have to say "that tasted better going down than coming up"
burp to the ninth power
make the janitor get out the ol’ sawdust bucket
find out just how acidic your stomach contents are
greet your guts
pray to the porcelain god
First, I invite you to add any of your own euphemisms that he might of missed.
Second, I'll explain all this by saying that Annie, Husband, and I were all held hostage for several days by some serious-unfun-GI-bug. Husband seemed to get the most mild case. Annie's illness lingered. Since I'm 34 weeks along, I got to spend Saturday at the hospital to take precautions against dehydration causing pre-term labor. So I got to the hospital so that I could go to the hospital in another few weeks.
Fortunately, everyone is well again and we have moved past this illness.