Monday, July 17, 2006

No beer and no TV make Homer something something

Go crazy?
Dont mind if I do!

Our air conditioning unit has been on the fritz since Memorial Day Weekend--basically the first day we turned on the a/c. While the unit would blow air, it was all hot air.

We got servicemen out to check things out. They noticed a leak, refilled the unit with freon, charged us some money, and went on their way.

Less than a month later, the unit stopped blowing cold air all over again. We called the servicemen again. They came out, said the problem was worse than they thought, and refilled the unit with freon so that we had more cool air while they did some tests on the sytem.

Finally, they came back out, and declared the unit near-dead. They even filled it with more freon so we had cool air while we worked on getting a new unit installed.

They did the last freon refill yesterday. Today, I came home from a long day out to an interior temperature in the 80s. The unit is truly dead. And we're in for a record heat wave this week.



Patrick said...

I am truly sorry about the air-conditioning/heat-wave thing. You can come over to our place and listen to Simon cry through his naps (we're Ferberizing him this week). :)

But the real reason I wanted to comment is that you used, as Kate will I'm sure tell you, my favorite Simpsons quote of all time (from, coincidentally, my favorite Simpsons episode of all time).

"No beer and no TV make Homer something something."

"Go crazy?"

"Don't mind if I do!!!"

*Homer goes crazy*

Clasic stuff, there. :)

Patrick said...

Parallel structure is overrated. ;)

Patrick said...

that last post was supposed to go on somebody else's blog! I don't know how I did that!

Polska said...

I kinda wondered where I went off course on parallel structure, but since I couldn't figure it out, I didn't want to admit my ignorance and ask you what was up.