Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Making the blog better?

So I'm faced with a decision.

Here's a decision I already made. I decided after looking at a few other blogs, that I liked some of their features and wanted them on this blog. Since I'm a non-techical person (aka a monkey typing at a keyboard) I thought I might be able to search google for the content and features I wanted. The wealth of information is staggering. First off, in order to play the game, I needed to learn the lingo. Apparently one of the things I liked was a 'tag cloud.' I didn't even know that starting out. As I searched and read, then searched and read some more, the more I learned that there is a lot of information out there on how ot make a blog better. There is vast room for improvement on this blog.

So the decision I'm faced with is do I want to put in the time to spiff this up? Or do I keep it as is, with my sister and brother in law checking in occassionally. My husband says he reads it too, but so far, I can't tell. Hm, it sounds like a bit of a time committment, but possibly also a new hobby.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why yes, the blog did get a haircut

Or a new look at least. I was hoping that going with a different template would let me do a few different things in the sidebars....but none of my options changed. Am I gonna have to learn me some html? Dang-nabbit.

We miss Mary!

My sister flew in from Seattle and spend a week visiting. Some highlights from the trip include:

1. Elizabeth roaring like a t-rex at house flies in an attempt to scare them away.

2. Mary introducing the girls to Outkast's "Hey Ya" by telling them they were dancing to the dinosaur song.

3. Going to the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum and having Elizabeth insist on seeing the t-rex bones, only to yelp in fright, run away, then insist to take another look. The girl likes being scared.

4. Annie bickering with her sister and telling her that her lunch will be "Bacon poo in a big bowl!" While it was unkind and was disciplined, keeping a straight face on that one was hard work.

5. Getting to watch a movie with my sister. She suggested Stardust. Good pick.

6. On the last morning of Mary's visit, Annie woke up and over the baby monitor sang, "Aunt Mary, I'm awake! Let's play hibernating bears now." A game where they sat under a blanket and pretended to be bears.

I'm sure there are more. Mary, would you care to chime in?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009


Mary Eileen as she was baptized yesterday, or as Annie likes to say, "Bathtized."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Mary Pic

Thought my limited readership might like to see a picture of Annie, Baby Mary, and I at the hospital when Mary was born. Mary arrived March 31, 2009. She weighed in at 9 lb 8 oz, and was 21 inches long. Enjoy!

Heard 'round Here

A three almost four year old can come up with some funny things to say.

"But my feet are gentle"
"I don't want to ruin my pickle-appetite"
"Um, what were we talking about?"
"Dad, I have to wash my hands! I was digging around my nose."