Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We miss Mary!

My sister flew in from Seattle and spend a week visiting. Some highlights from the trip include:

1. Elizabeth roaring like a t-rex at house flies in an attempt to scare them away.

2. Mary introducing the girls to Outkast's "Hey Ya" by telling them they were dancing to the dinosaur song.

3. Going to the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum and having Elizabeth insist on seeing the t-rex bones, only to yelp in fright, run away, then insist to take another look. The girl likes being scared.

4. Annie bickering with her sister and telling her that her lunch will be "Bacon poo in a big bowl!" While it was unkind and was disciplined, keeping a straight face on that one was hard work.

5. Getting to watch a movie with my sister. She suggested Stardust. Good pick.

6. On the last morning of Mary's visit, Annie woke up and over the baby monitor sang, "Aunt Mary, I'm awake! Let's play hibernating bears now." A game where they sat under a blanket and pretended to be bears.

I'm sure there are more. Mary, would you care to chime in?


Unknown said...

7. Playing a million games of London Bridge

8. Baby Mary throwing up on every shirt I own.

Good times.

Polska said...

Re #8: I tried to warn you that the baby would just spit up again but you insisted on changing clothes. And hey, who let you use her washing machine?