Monday, October 02, 2006

What to name the new baby?

Husband and I are trying to come up with a name for the second baby. For our first daughter, "Anne" was the only name I suggested that he didn't hate. Our daughter is named "Anne." It was the only name we had for a girl's name. How are we supposed to come up with a name for another girl (or any other girls we have for that matter)?

We decided to solicit the suggestions of friends and family. One Sunday at brunch, Husband's 7 year old nephew suggested "Pear Blossom." Funnily enough, I have a neice on my side of the family whose name is "Cherry Blossom," whom he has never met.

I then suggested to the 7 year old that we might want a name that reflects a saint's name. He then suggested "Claire Theresa" since "they're both saints!"

In that vein, a priest friend suggested such names as "Scholastica" and "Philomena."

Above is a picture of Saint Philomena. Her biography (as quoted from states, "
Little is known of her life, and the information was have was received by private revelation from her. Martyred at about age 14 in the early days of the Church. [Eventually her bones were allowed to be transported to a shrine.] Miracles began to be reported at the shrine including cures of cancer, healing of wounds, and the Miracle of Mugnano in which Venerable Pauline Jaricot was cured a severe heart ailment overnight. Philomena became the only person recognized as a Saint solely on the basis of miraculous intercession as nothing historical was known of her except her name and the evidence of her martyrdom. "

Thanks for the suggestions, we'll keep working on it.


Anonymous said...

I like Caroline, or Emma or....Athena. I somehow don't think you will be naming your kid Athena though. Actually.. now that I am thinking about it... Pear is a pretty good name. And you wouldn't totally be copying off of Ms. Paltrow.

Nod said...

Cathy Apostolic is still available!
Just had myself a snort on!

Kate said...

I actually knew an Athena and she was very nice. It's a pretty name, but I think that Scholastica is WAY more awesome!