Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Annie Survives Bleach in the Face

Annie survived licking tylenol, she survived a bout of rotavirus, and now she's survived spraying a bleach cleaner into her face.

Fortunately I was right there when it happened and I immediately put her in the bath and started pouring water over her head until she stopped crying about her eye stinging and started complaining about so much water.

I then called the doctor. They told me to put her in the bath again, then bring her over immediately. They would work her in.

The doctor can tell if there has been any damage to the eye by putting in eye drops that glow under a black light. If the dye is anywhere in the eye, it indicates that there is damage. An intact eye won't keep the dye on it. Annie had the eye drops put in and the black light was turned on. It looked like someone had put a flourescent eyeliner on her, but her eye looked fine. She was well. Fortunately the doctor's visit took all of 30 minutes.

Since our girl narrowly escaped injury, we asked her what she'd like to eat for dinner.


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