Monday, September 03, 2007

Stay at Home Mom

My husband and I were discussing the future a bit...where we see ourselves, what we'd like to do, how we would get from here to there...and we started talking about after we raised our kids (with the plan being for me to stay at home until the youngest no longer needed me at home be it kindergarden age or college age). I just assumed I'd re-enter the workforce since it would help financially, when I mentioned this, I found out that my husband and I were thinking different things.

My husband said, "Your job is raising the kids. That will take years. After you are done, you can do anything you want. Work or not work. Take a class. Babysit grandkids. Please consider keeping up the work of taking care of me. But I consider it my responsibility, my gift to you to let you do anything you want to do after you've raised the kids."

What a generous gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That last paragraph is soooo sweet! LOVE IT! I hope to become a doula when the time comes that we're empty nesting.... (((((HUGS))))) sandi