Monday, September 14, 2009

Honest Scrap

Oh Wynken, thank you so much for thinking to include me in your Honest Scrap tagging challenge. I learned about you and now you'll get to learn about me.

Now, 10 Honest Things about me:

1. I want to live at the beach. If I could, I'd happily buy a second home or retirement home on the beach...most any beach, it doesn't matter.
2. I depend on coffee to feel like the day has started.
3. Back when I was employed, maintaining files was a big time-consuming part of the job. Now that I'm a mom at home, it's the first thing I put off doing.
4. I don't like putting off cleaning the bathrooms or sweeping my floor.
5. I've finished my Christmas shopping for the children on the list
6. I haven't started for the adults on my list
7. My keys went missing and turned up under the grill (located on the deck)
8. I love photos of my kids
9. The last book I read was MaryBeth Hicks's "Raising Geeks"
10. I've recently begun watching 'Cosby Show' reruns

1 comment:

Nod said...

I want to know how the keys ended up under the grill ... sounds exciting. ;-)