Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Glad to Have Daddy Home

Yesterday evening, both the girls woke up from a late nap just as Tim was getting home from work. The girls were in a great mood, I was in a great mood, and Tim was glad to be home.

Tim popped off to the bathroom and Annie asked to turn on some music-- "Thanks to God" aka a cd of Praise and Worship songs. Annie danced around the living room as the music played.

She then said "Betta dance." So I brought Elizabeth down to floor level and was bouncing her to the music. The three of us were laughing and dancing.

Annie stopped and then asked, "Where Daddy go?" Annie stopped dancing. She got a concerned look on her face and refused to dance, asking "Where Daddy go?" She was bothered that Daddy was missing out on the family fun. When Dad returned from the bathroom, she asked to dance again and was delighted to have all four of us dancing together.

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